Self with feathers

This is another self portrait, from back in the days of my super-long hair. Thankfully, I’ve lost the hair but kept the painting.

'Self With Feathers', mixed media, approx. 130 x 130cm, not for sale.
'Self With Feathers', mixed media, approx. 130 x 130cm, not for sale.
Detail from 'Self With Feathers'
Detail from 'Self With Feathers'

I had a lot of fun with this one: if you look closely, you’ll see feathers, sequins, shiny paper and plenty of metallic ink.

Over and out.

2 thoughts on “Self with feathers

  1. WOW you are amazing your work inspired me for my HSC thankyou so much and seriously keep painting for as long as you live because you have a real tallent. xxanna

  2. Hey Anna, thank you so much! I’d love to see your HSC work if you’ve got it online anywhere! x

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